Improving Inventory and Income – The Praktiker success story

    Since its initial launch in 2021, Praktiker has been utilizing Blue Sky’s Inventory PlanR solution to forecast short and long term sales, better adapting their inventory to expected demand. Maximizing inventory efficiency – lowering the number of over- or understocking – leads to a continuous increase in profits.

    Continuous, because Blue Sky has been custom tailoring the configuration of its Inventory PlanR solution to Praktiker’s exact sales trends and product selection.

    With the use of unique clustering, and the forecast correction of sparse sales based on neural network technology – while taking into account and constantly supervising customer sales data – we have managed to:

    • Improve overall forecast quality by 20%
    • Improve long term forecast quality (14 weeks) by 40%, therefore
    • Bringing the accuracy of the long term forecasts very close to the short term ones (1 week)

    Overall, using Blue Sky’s Inventory PlanR solution brought Praktiker not only a one-time increase, but a continuous and on the long term sustainable improvement in inventory efficiency and profit, by utilizing continuous improvements configuring the forecasts to the customer’s specific needs and situation.

    Inventory PlanR’s configuration is a highly customizable, and widely applicable solution, which can help you optimize your inventory selection and maximize your profit continuously, with the help of cutting edge cloud technology and an expert team behind it.

    Contact us to learn more about Inventory PlanR, and how it can help your business grow and adapt to future demand quickly!

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